
Atanasio Girardot School, Girargota, Antioquia, Colombia.
This public school of 1,530 primary and secondary students has, like other schools in the province, a curriculum which includes classes and projects focussing on themes of coexistence, peace and nonviolence.
Primary school students. They are given a book entitled "Manual of Coexistence" as part of their curriculum. Here they are on their way to see a film on tolerence and ethics.

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Global Education
Atanasio Girardot School, Girargota, Antioquia, Colombia.<br />
This public school of 1,530 primary and secondary students has, like other schools in the province, a curriculum which includes classes and projects focussing on themes of coexistence, peace and nonviolence.<br />
Primary school students. They are given a book entitled "Manual of Coexistence" as part of their curriculum. Here they are on their way to see a film on tolerence and ethics.